www.jeffblack.com Legal 2012

www.jeffblack.com is a site designed, built, fussed over, owned and made available by Lotos Nile Music/Jeff Black Music and Jeff Black. We make nearly every effort to include fairly accurate and up-to-date information on this site and all extensions of it into the stratosphere and beyond the cyber cosmos to share, sell, exploit songs and music written, recorded, and produced by singer songwriter and performing artist Jeff Black. Jeff Black, Jeff Black Music, and Lotos Nile Music shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages or losses arising out of the use or inability to use the site, any errors on pages, misrepresentations or omissions in the content, advertisements or products and services offered. This also applies to the content of any linked pages to or from this site. The conditions of this agreement shall be in force every time you use www.jeffblack.com and quite possibly in the future when you're just thinking about jeffblack.com. This agreement is subject to laws of the United States of America and of course, The Universe as an all loving, neverending interwoven web of positive light and energy. Jeff Black does not grant any warranty, refund or claim regarding any product or service listed and does not assume any liability or responsibility for any such link whatsoever, forever, for any reason, ever. The copyright of the content contained on the pages of www.jeffblack.com belongs exclusively to and is solely owned by Jeff Black. All rights in respect of copying, replication, reprinting, public performance and / or publishing of any content are reserved. You may download, or print out content for your own personal information and use, or for publicity purposes in advance of live public performance or legal and ethical exploitation of held copyrights. None of the aforementioned shall be publicly replicated or distributed without the prior written consent and agreement from Jeff Black. Unauthorized copying and illegal downloading has a major and damaging effect on the music, film and software industries. Not to mention that it has a lasting negative impact on an individual artist’s ability to make a living. Any unauthorized copying, duplication, or distribution of any intellectual property belonging tho Jeff in part or in full, is against the law and will never fly. Jeff Black reserves the right to change the above Terms & Conditions constantly and at any time without any notice at all to anybody ever. It is your responsibility to be aware of the Terms & Conditions and if you do not agree with them, you should immediately cease to use this site. I think we can all agree that these legal statements attached to websites and recordings are basically horse shit and since it's such a free and easy going world of one love and unconditional human kindness, it seems unnecessary to slap any of this onto anything we create but, we have no choice now. We have found that there are a few out there, of whom I've had the pleasure, in spite of all the beauty in this world, who spend there desperate little lives looking for typos, slick floors and an Achilles Heel because they never quite got the right information growing up on how to properly live here on the planet with other people and keep an even keel. For them we reserve an extraordinarily strong force field and the right to invite them to unequivocally step off without recourse in perpetuity. Any queries regarding songs, music, live performances or interviews, a development, endorsement or production should be addressed directly using the contact details provided. Thank you for visiting www.jeffblack.com

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